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The Eufy RoboVac is significantly cheaper than most robot vacuums I've tested, and it's just as good at cleaning

Aug 5, 2020, 22:02 IST
Business Insider
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  • The Eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S uses suction and sweeping brushes to clean broad swaths of carpet, hardwood, tile, and other types of flooring.
  • A RoboVac 11S can run for more than an hour and a half per charge, making it ideal for cleaning large rooms or even multiple rooms in one session.
  • Pre-programmed cleaning sessions allow you to set the vacuum to work while you are away or while you're sleeping, and thanks to its 55-decibel operation, it's quiet enough that it will not interfere with your rest.
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Over the past few years, I've tested out multiple robotic vacuums, both for work and personally in the search for our in-home robot cleaning buddy.

The playroom, which occupies most of a finished basement, is our kindergartner's Maker's Space, toddler's art studio, and indoor playground on cold or rainy days. It's the science lab where the kids sift through kinetic sand, mix common kitchen spices into decidedly uncommon concoctions, and generally play, explore, learn, and make an abject mess in the process.

My wife and I love our kids, but we hate messes. So our options were to spend at least 20 minutes vacuuming the basement ourselves or get a robot to do it for us. Which was really not a challenging decision to make.


And as I had tried out a few robotic vacuums in the past, it was easy enough to settle on the one that would become our little cleaning friend. Because when a robotic vacuum does as good as job as many $400+ units but costs less than $200, that's the one to go with.

Eufy 11S robovac specs

  • 1300 Pa suction power (with Pascal Pressure Units, high numbers indicate better suction)
  • 0.6L dust capture capacity
  • 55dB noise level for quiet operation (comparable to a microwave)
  • Works on hard floors to medium-pile carpets
  • 2.85 inches tall so it can fit in tighter spaces
  • 100-minute runtime
  • Multiple cleaning modes for different surface types
  • 12-month warranty
  • Remote control

Using the Eufy 11S robovac

We use our robotic vacuum almost exclusively in a carpeted room, which is the biggest challenge for such devices. This vac can handle our carpet, but if you have a high pile or shag carpet, you should avoid robot vacs as they can get caught in the fibers.

Depending on the type of flooring, it can clean for up to 100 minutes. We don't get quite that much time, as it's slower on carpets, and also because it slows itself and hits a Power Boost mode when it encounters heavier messes, like pencil shavings or a pile of sand.

It can also fit under furniture with lower profiles, like our basement loveseat and the supports under a desk because the 11S rises less than three inches off the floor.

It has a 1300 Pa suction power rating. Pa stands for Pascal Pressure Unit, and the higher the number is, the better the suction power. Not all companies list this measurement, and iRobot told us the spec is not ideal for comparing robot vacuums because the measurement is recorded inconsistently. We mention it here to indicate that the suction power is decent for a robovac in this price range. The more expensive Roborock S6, which is our top vacuum pick, has a higher 2000 Pa suction power rating, for example.


The 0.6-liter dust box where the 11S stores the debris it picks up is comparable to that of others units and has always proved big enough for us. Just like other, more expensive models, the vacuum returns to its charging base when it's nearly out of power, it detects edges and obstacles so it won't fall down stairs, dent walls, or run over oes), and it can be programmed to clean at specific times.

What sets the Eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S apart from other robovacs

The price was the deciding factor when we chose the Eufy Boost IQ RoboVac 11S.

Its quiet operation is also a factor. This vacuum goes grumbling around at just 55 decibels, which is quieter than many robotic vacuums and is about as loud as the hum of a refrigerator or microwave.

This is also a really reliable option. I've had zero issues with its operation in the year-plus we have used it, and if you skim through the thousands of reviews from other owners, you'll find overwhelmingly comparable experiences.

Cons to consider

While generally reliable, the 11S does seem to get a bit ambitious at times. I find it stuck on the pedal to our kids' bass drum every time I forget to move or blockade the drum set, and it has gotten stuck on the toe of a shoe, and many other objects with a slight incline. It powers itself right on up, then is helplessly stranded.


The 11S also needs quite a wide-open space in which to install the charging base. You are supposed to have several feet to each side of and in front of the charging station to ensure it can properly return to the base. That's never been a problem in the large space where we use it, but for use in smaller homes or in rooms where quarters are tighter, that might cause some issues.

It doesn't have any of the fancier smart features you'd find on more expensive robovacs, either. There's no Alexa support, no-go lines, or Wi-Fi connectivity built into the 11S. Instead, you use a remote control to operate the robovac. If you want a smart appliance, this isn't it, and you'd do better to look at another of our top picks.

The bottom line

  • Should you buy it? If you want a robot vacuum for less than $200 and you don't need all the fancy features of iRobot Roombas or the Roborock S6, then yes. It's a serviceable robot vacuum on a budget.
  • What are your alternatives? If you want a robotic vacuum at a similar price point to the Eufy, a Coredy 1400Pa is a good choice that actually costs less. It has a longer operating period of 110 minutes, but it's not suitable for use on any but the lowest pile carpeting due to its lack of the main roller brush. If money isn't an issue, get yourself a Roborock S6, which is as quiet as the Eufy and can run for nearly three hours, making it ideal for large homes. It also has a mopping function, so it's really two cleaning tools in one, which does much to soften the $650 price tag.

Pros: Affordable and dependable, quiet operation, works on many types of floor, long operation period per charge

Cons: Gets stuck on various objects, the base station needs lots of free space

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