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New York's Governor Partied With Reporters Last Night

Mar 4, 2014, 22:23 IST



Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had quite a night Monday.

According to Wall Street Journal reporter Erica Orden, the governor spent part of the evening at a birthday party for a trio of reporters; NY1's Zack Fink, Capital Tonight's Nick Reisman, and the New York Daily News' Ken Lovett at The City Beer Hall near the New York State Capitol in Albany. One party guest told Business Insider Cuomo stayed at the fiesta for "an hour."

"Cuomo was in rare form," the guest said.

Another source said Fink attempted to purchase a shot of Jameson for the governor. The source said Cuomo "respectfully declined" and instead "stuck with vodka." However, the hosts had the bartender give him Ketel One as it was "top shelf."


According to Orden, Cuomo migrated to another party at the beer hall after leaving the reporters' birthday bash. Cuomo's office did not respond to a request from Business Insider Tuesday morning asking whether Ketel One is the governor's "go to" drink and whether he would be willing to come to this reporter's birthday party in September.

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