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Pictures show the devastating scenes from the landslide and floods that killed at least 38 people in Japan

Jul 7, 2018, 16:09 IST

A local resident is rescued from a flooded area in Kurashiki, southern Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo July 7, 2018.Kyodo/Reuters

At least 38 people are dead and 50 are missing after record-shattering torrential rains hit western and central Japan on Saturday.

More than 1.6 million people have been ordered to evacuate from their homes by Saturday morning and 3.1 million others were advised to leave after Japan's Meteorological Agency issued weather warnings across the country.

Around 48,000 police, firefighters, and military personnel were called to at least 100 landslide incidents and other emergencies.

Here are the devastating scenes from the deadly landslide and floods in Japan:


Twenty-three inches of rain fell on Friday and Saturday in Motoyama, Shikoku island, significantly more than the 15 inches that was anticipated.

Source: Reuters, South China Morning Post

The Japan Meteorological Agency predicted that warm and damp air sliding into a seasonal front could even cause tornadoes.

Source: South China Morning Post

Some bullet trains were taken out of service on Thursday. But certain railway companies, such as Japan Railway Company, resumed operations by Friday.

Source: South China Morning Post

The victims included a man who fell from a bridge and another man who was engulfed in a canal while he was removing debris.

Source: Reuters

Japan's automotive industry was also affected by the disaster. Mitsubishi Motors stopped operations at a plant after being unable to receive parts.

Mazda Motors also stopped production at two plants out of concern for their employees.

Source: Reuters

Pictures show the devastating scenes from the landslide and floods that killed at least 38 people in Japan

大雨半端ないって! pic.twitter.com/wu8eHdWrEp

— 無添加喫茶ハーバー (@r7kapY2K8skl3tW) July 5, 2018

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