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House members descend into a Twitter brouhaha after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene rips Rep. Nancy Mace as 'the trash in the GOP conference'

Dec 1, 2021, 01:58 IST
Business Insider
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, left, attacked her colleague Rep. Nancy Mace, right, on Twitter on November 30, calling her "the trash" of the House GOP conference.AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades, AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin
  • The House GOP conference devolved into Twitter chaos on Tuesday morning.
  • Greene called Mace "trash" after Mace condemned Islamophobia from Rep. Lauren Boebert.

House GOP members descended into an intraparty Twitter quarrel on Tuesday morning, which was sparked by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene denouncing her colleague Rep. Nancy Mace as "the trash in the GOP conference" and pushing Islamophobic stereotypes by accusing the South Carolina lawmaker of being "gal pals" with the "Jihad Squad."

At the heart of this digital fight were Islamophobic comments GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert recently made about Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. Boebert called Omar, who is Muslim, part of a "Jihad Squad" and said a Capitol Police officer had "fret all over his face" when he stepped into an elevator with Boebert and Omar.

Boebert said she told the officer, "Well, she doesn't have a backpack. We should be fine." The comment implied Omar was a terrorist.

Mace rebuked Boebert for her comments in a Monday appearance on "CNN Newsroom."

"I have time after time condemned my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for racist tropes and remarks that I find disgusting and this is no different than any other," Mace told CNN, adding: "We all have a responsibility ... to lower the temperature, and this does not do that."


Greene lashed out at Mace on Tuesday, writing on Twitter: "@NancyMace is the trash in the GOP Conference. Never attacked by Democrats or RINO's (same thing) because she is not conservative, she's pro-abort.

"Mace you can back up off of @laurenboebert or just go hang with your real gal pals, the Jihad Squad. Your out of your league."

The "Jihad Squad" is an Islamophobic insult referring to Omar and her progressive allies.

Mace hit back at Greene by correcting her spelling of "you're" and doubling down on her criticism of Boebert as a "religious bigot" and "racist."

Mace did not clarify who from the left criticized her for going on a bipartisan congressional delegation to Taiwan. The routine trip, called a "codel," was a show of support for Taiwanese interests that spurred backlash from China.


In a subsequent tweet, Mace also used three emojis to call Greene a common insult for describing someone as out of touch with reality and a clown.

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a vocal critic of his more far-right colleagues, chimed in with another insult directed at Greene. The Illinois Republican, who is retiring next year, also criticized House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for not forcefully condemning members like Greene and Boebert.

"I love this, but worth noting that while this battle between Nancy Mace and the unserious circus barker McSpacelaser, @GOPLeader continues his silent streak that would make a monk blush," Kinzinger tweeted.

The "McSpacelaser" moniker is a reference to how Greene, before being elected to Congress, shared a conspiracy theory on social media saying that California's devastating 2018 wildfires were caused by a laser sent from space by the Rothschild family. Theories that place powerful, wealthy Jewish families behind natural disasters or accuse them of shaping worldwide events from the shadows play into common, pernicious antisemitic tropes.

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California also got in on the Tuesday Twitter action, saying, "I would say this feels like high school. But high schoolers know how to spell 'you're.'"


Greene later replied: "*You're for the spellcheck police."

Greene and Mace's fight is representative of larger fissures within the Republican conference over both policy and substance between members like Greene and more moderate members. If Republicans win back the House in 2022, McCarthy has his work cut out for him: He would first have to navigate those competing factions to get elected as speaker and then lead the caucus as it roils with tension.

Later on Tuesday morning, Mace made another dig at Greene by repeating word for word a November 26 tweet in which Greene said she "got off a good call" with McCarthy.

"We spent time talking about solving problems not only in the conference, but for our country. I like what he has planned ahead," Mace wrote.

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