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Shocking photos show Kenyan police brutally beating protesters in central Nairobi

May 17, 2016, 17:14 IST

Kenyan police are responding to stone-throwing crowds in central Nairobi with a shocking level of brutality as citizens protest an election oversight body they say is biased and should be scrapped.


This photo in particular has shocked international observers:

A Kenyan riot policeman repeatedly kicks a protester as he lies in the street after tripping over while trying to flee from them, during a protest in downtown Nairobi, Kenya Monday, May 16, 2016.Ben Curtis/AP

Multiple reports indicate that the protester died shortly after he was savagely beaten by the anti-riot police.


A Kenyan riot policeman repeatedly kicks a protester as he lies in the street after tripping over while trying to flee from them, during a protest in downtown Nairobi, Kenya, Monday, May 16, 2016.Ben Curtis/AP

Kenyan policemen beat protesters during clashes in Nairobi, Kenya May 16, 2016.Goran Tomasevic/Reuters

The opposition CORD coalition, led by Raila Odinga who lost the 2013 vote and unsuccessfully challenged the result in court, has accused the IEBC of bias and said its members should quit. IEBC officials have dismissed the charge and say they will stay.

"For free and fair election, IEBC must go," read a banner held aloft by one demonstrator on Monday.

A protester beaten by Kenya policemen bleeds during clashes.Reuters

As the number of protesters grew, police fired tear gas and water cannon at them from trucks parked nearby. A Reuters witness saw one protester carrying a bag of stones, while others threw them at police ranks. Police struck some protesters with batons.

"Despite the use of undue force by police, our peaceful pickets shall continue every week until the IEBC is reformed," Odinga wrote on Twitter.

Policemen beat a protester inside a building during clashes in NairobiGoran Tomasevic/Reuters

The Daily Nation website reported protests and scuffles with police in other cities, including Kisumu and Kisii, both in western Kenya.

Police also used tear gas against protesters at two similar demonstrations in Nairobi over the past month, most recently last week.


Protesters run away from the police during clashes in Nairobi.Reuters

President Uhuru Kenyatta, who is expected to seek re-election next year for a second and final term, has urged opponents not to take to the streets.

Despite the 2013 legal challenge, that vote proceeded smoothly and Odinga accepted the court ruling in a nation where ethnic loyalties usually trump policy among voters.

Kenya policemen beat a protester during clashes.Goran Tomasevic/Reuters

After the disputed 2007 vote, about 1,200 were killed in ethnic fighting. Western diplomats have urged the authorities to work carefully with citizens to ensure peaceful elections in 2017.

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