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Colombian soccer player exposes himself to opponent while preparing to defend free-kick

Oct 19, 2022, 19:12 IST
Geisson Perea.Twitter/ElPaisCali; Getty/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni
  • A Colombian soccer player exposed his penis to an opponent while preparing to defend a free-kick.
  • After the incident, Sante Fe defender Geisson Perea published a biblical quote about nudity on Instagram.

A soccer player went to extreme measures to allegedly try to distract an opponent during a Colombian first division match on Monday, pulling down his shorts and exposing his penis.

According to El Pais, Sante Fe defender Geisson Perea exposed himself while preparing to defend a free kick from Jaguares in the opening stages of the match.

Cameras accidentally caught the moment, which left Perea in hot water with those watching.

"What disrespect from Geisson Perea from Santa Fe, pulling down his pants when players know that TV cameras can frame them at any time," tweeted ESPN and RCN Radio journalist Francisco Velez.

After the match, Perea published a story on Instagram with a biblical quote about being naked alongside a number of laughing emojis.


"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart," said the quote.

Speaking later with Caracol Radio, the 31-year-old said he lowered his shorts to adjust his undershorts.

"I was fixing my lycra, I had that space," he said. "When I enter the pitch, I enter it to play and not to be aware that a camera can see me."

Sante Fe, which lost the match 1-2, has yet to comment on the incident.

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