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These are the 15 biggest games coming to the PlayStation 5, from a new 'Spider-Man' game to 'NBA 2K21'

  • The PlayStation 5 is coming this holiday season, according to Sony, and a ton of new games for the new console were just revealed.
  • From a new "Spider-Man" game to this year's "NBA 2K" entry, the PlayStation 5 is getting a ton of new games.
  • Whether you're looking for huge new sequels, like "Horizon Forbidden West," major new entries in long-established franchises, like "Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart," or this year's "NBA 2K" game, the PlayStation 5 has something for you.
  • These are the biggest games that were revealed during Sony's big event last week!

The PlayStation 5 is just months away, and this past week we got our first real look at games running on Sony's next-generation game console.

Great news: Not only do those games look stunning, but Sony revealed a plethora of unknown titles and hotly anticipated sequels during its big PS5 reveal event.

From the new "Spider-Man" game to this year's "NBA 2K" entry, these are the 15 most exciting new PS5 games we saw this week:
