Jacquelyn Smith

Jacquelyn Smith


Latest Stories from Jacquelyn Smith

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2 mins read

My biggest email pet peeve is something I see almost every day

Vicky Oliver, author of "301 Smart Answers to Tough Business Etiquette Questions" and "301 Smart An…

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1 min read

What hiring managers really think of your tattoos found that a whopping 37% of HR managers cite tattoos as the third-most-likely physical …

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1 min read

Here's what it's like to be a greeting-card writer at Hallmark - a $3.8 billion company that makes 10,000 cards a year

Earlier this year, Business Insider spoke with Manning, who wrote her first greeting card at age 9 …

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2 mins read

Here's exactly how much money to ask for in a salary negotiation

"Many job candidates don't know what to ask for and end up leaving money on the table. You don't ha…

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4 mins read

The personality types that make the most and least amount of money

These individuals also tend to be attracted to career paths that offer a lot of flexibility and fre…

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2 mins read

A CEO shares the most impressive question a job candidate can ask

Last year, Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local and author of "Likeable Social Media," asked a few of…

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3 mins read

I saw my husband's 401(k) balance and it was a huge wake-up call about the way I save money

I sat down, did the math, figured out what I could afford to contribute without feeling strapped fo…

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4 mins read

30 words and phrases you're using at work that make you seem untrustworthy

"It's not just the phrases you use that can trigger mistrust, but your delivery, too," adds Taylor.…

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1 min read

The 8 most underrated jobs of 2016

Perhaps this is because they're not the most glamorous professions or they don't seem exciting. Or …

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4 mins read

8 signs your job is stressing you out, even if it doesn't feel like it

"Generally someone who is stressed will be able to focus on the task at hand but might forget thing…

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1 min read

21 jobs to avoid if you don't want to stare at a computer all day

Business Insider recently combed through the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), a US Departm…

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3 mins read

A psychologist says interviews are a terrible way to hire - here's what you should do instead

The problem is, he says, hardly any companies do this because when the time comes to fill a positio…

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4 mins read

A psychologist explains why people get their best ideas in the shower

"In the same way, as creative professionals, we all struggle with new fruit on our vine. We struggl…

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2 mins read

Here's the perfect way to apologize the next time you're late

Last year, Friedman, the founder of Ignite80 and author of "The Best Place to Work," organized an o…

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5 mins read

What hiring managers really want to know when they ask these 15 common job-interview questions

He writes: "Talk about diplomacy before talking about your plans." And be careful, Reed warns. "Thi…

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1 min read

The 25 cities where your pay goes the furthest

"Though there are certainly other financial factors to consider when taking into account total cost…

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1 min read

11 signs you just nailed that job interview, even if it doesn't feel like it

If you ever find yourself in the latter group, you'll probably spend the hours and days following t…

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1 min read

13 job-interview questions that can measure someone's emotional intelligence

"Emotional intelligence multiplies the results and effectiveness of intellectual intelligence," Joh…

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1 min read

Former FBI hostage-negotiation trainer shares 6 tricks for getting people to do what you want

Today, Goulston is a business adviser and consultant, using the skills he honed in his negotiation-…

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1 min read

15 things successful people do during their lunch break

"Your lunch hour is your chance to get refocused, reenergized, and refueled (literally) for the res…

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1 min read

3 things you should never say in an email subject line

For instance, you can be too wordy, vague, or eager - or it can be filled with typos, unnecessary p…

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1 min read

14 public-speaking mistakes you never want to make

And, as most people know, when we're nervous or anxious, our minds and bodies tend to do weird thin…

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1 min read

15 things you should do in the 15 minutes before a big presentation

Darlene Price, president, of Well Said, Inc. and author of "Well Said! Presentations and Conversati…

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1 min read

21 job-interview questions that are designed to trick you

But they're not just about exposing your flaws, says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and t…

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1 min read

15 things successful people do over 3-day weekends

Taylor explains: "These extended weekends are different from the regular weekend because you know y…