13 Modern Fashion Trends That People Will Laugh At In The Future


People in the future will laugh at some fashion trends of today.


A recent Reddit thread explored which modern styles will go the way of parachute pants, platform sneakers, and overalls.

We chose some of our favorites.

1. "Nerd" fashion.

"You're going to look at those old pics of you in floppy bowties and suspenders and think you were so so fresh, but everyone else is going to laugh," writes DidntClickGuy.


nerd fashion


2. Oversized logos.

The gigantic Polo Ralph Lauren horses and Lacoste alligators scream desperation and unrefined taste, notes toaharrison.

3. Flashy designer jeans.


"What you mean you don't like ugly horse shoe detailing, giant boot legs, artificial-looking washes and contrast stitching so thick it looks like it's done with twine?" writes karlosvonawesome. "Totally worth $300."

true religion jeans

True Religion

4. Snapbacks.

"Mark my words, flat billed SnapBack caps will be the bellbottoms of the 2010's," writes ClintonHarvey.


5. Silicone "cause" bracelets.

"The modern 'friendship bracelet or Swatch watch,'" writes chaim-the-eez.

lance armstrong livestrong

Getty Images/Jamie Squire

6. Brightly-colored skinny chinos.

"People will look back upon that in horror," writes ruotwocone.


7. Neon ensembles.

"It makes everybody who wears it look like event staff," writes KnifeSteakSwag.

8. Unnecessary fashion glasses.


"As someone who needs glasses to see, nothing annoys me more," writes accostedbyhippies.

9. Vintage band shirts.

"These are usually worn by people who have never listened to the band," writes callmesnake13.


10. Beards.

"Everyone has a beard now and I have had one. I can see looking at pictures of myself in the future thinking 'What was I thinking?'" writes ass_kicker32.

11. Oversized watches.

"Put Big Ben back right now!" writes theicecapsaremelting.


12. Fake tans.

TartariaRu predicts these will look tacky to future generations.

13. "Urban Lumberjacks."


"They look like Amish Civil War reenactors," writes Parhelic_Triangle.