20 photos that show what women really look like when they laugh


women laughing thumb

Courtesy Maud Fernhout Photography

Maud Fernhout put her photography skills to work to celebrate how women look when they're laughing like no one's watching.


The INSIDER Summary:

• Maud Fernhout took photos of women laughing out loud for a photo series she calls "What Real Woman Laugh Like."
• She wanted to show women laughing naturally as opposed to stiff smiles often seen on models.
• She hopes to encourage women not to hold back or be embarrassed of their laugh.

Maud Fernhout wants women to laugh. Not just giggle quietly, or chuckle with their hands over their mouth. She wants full-bodied, scrunchy-faced expressions of joy.

An anthropology and psychology major at University College Utrecht, she's found that a lot of women are embarassed of what they look or sound like when they find something hilarious.


In her photo series called "What Real Women Laugh Like," Fernhout put her photography skills to work to combat the stigma and celebrate how women look when they're not thinking about how they look at all.