Boy Writes Letter About Ninjas To Deadliest Man On The Planet, Gets Response


Which is quieter, ninjas or Navy SEALs?


Six (nearly 7) year-old Walker Greentree is a kid in a military family, and he was pretty determined to find out the answer, so he wrote to Admiral William McRaven.

McRaven is head of the Joint Special Operations Command, arguably the deadliest military organization on the planet, making him one of the deadliest men on the planet.

Surely he would have an answer.

From Blue Star Families:


One afternoon while playing with a friend in the yard, the young Greentree was scolded by his mother. "Be quiet like a SEAL," said Vivian Greentree. His friend immediately replied - as one would expect from a 7-year old. "Ninjas are quieter than SEALS." And thus, a monumental argument began. WHO is quieter? Ninjas or SEALS? SEALS or Ninjas?

Blue Star is a nonprofit organization started by military spouses with the aim of helping military families. They actually posted McRaven's response to young Greentree.

The letter is priceless: