Here are 10 ways to make better conversation

Here are 10 ways to make better conversationWith the advancement of technology and more chatting apps getting launched with a blink of an eyelid, one thing, that is surely getting affected is our ability to converse, naturally.

Nowadays, many people find it easy to explain themselves through text messages or blogs rather than speaking. And whenever we speak, we just speak to reply.

Even listening has become a kind of burden as people want to cut short conversations and reply only to shut the person up.

Somewhere in all these advancements, we all are losing the art of conversation, a better conversation indeed.

And even when we are listening to the other person, our mind is wandering in ten different directions and we are actually not present in the conversation, which might leave a bad impression and turn-off the other person.


Having a better conversation means being present in the moment and keeping the mind open. You can only have a good conversation with someone, if you shut your mouth and open your mind.

Celeste Headlee, who is a radio host of a famous broadcasting programme and knows all the secret ingredients to a good and better conversation, said ‘be ready to be amazed and listen to the other person’. In her recent Ted Talks, Headlee said be interested in people because the more you listen to people, the more knowledge you gather.

Even Stephen Hawking once said ‘people who boast about their IQ are losers’. So, don’t have that know-it-all attitude.

If you want to know how to have a good conversation, follow these 10 commandments of Headlee.

(Main Image: Pinterest)
