The 17 best business schools in Europe, according to the Financial Times


Judge Business School Cambridge

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Getting a degree in business, management, or finance can springboard you into a lucrative career in banking, finance, or the hedge fund industry.


This week, the Financial Times released its final 2016 ranking of the best business schools in Europe, ranking the most prestigious universities with the highest levels of academic rigour and best job prospects.

The FT took loads of data from business schools, including average salaries, the increase in salary its graduates see three years after finishing their degree, and the percentage of grads in work three months after finishing school. It then collated that data to create a great list of all the best schools in Europe for aspiring bankers, hedge funders, and businesspeople.

The schools are spread across the whole of the continent, although the UK, France, and Switzerland have the most universities at the top of the list.

Check out the top European schools below:
