The Front Pages Of Brazil's Newspapers Are Absolutely Brutal


It's the morning after Brazil suffered its worst loss ever at the World Cup.


Here's how the front pages of Brazil's newspapers handled it. Many opted to use words for "shame" (vexame, vergonha) while others opted for the HUMILHAÇÃO (no translation needed).

All front pages via Newseum.

Noticia Agora (Vitoria) - "Shame Of All Shames":

Super Noticia (Belo Horizonte) - "Shame" (with a pun on "Hexa," the word for Brazil winning its sixth World Cup):


Hoje Em Dia (Belo Horizonte) - "Shame":

A Tarde (Salvador) - "Here Lies The Dream Of The Sixth Championship In 2014.... Dead Of Embarrassment":

Jornal do Commercio (Recife) - "Mourning, Shame, Shame, Humiliation, Blackout":

Lance! (Rio de Janeiro): "Indignation, anger, pain, frustration, irritation, shame, shame, disappointment ... Say what you're feeling and make your own cover of Lance!":

Metro (national) - [Black]

Zero Hora (Porta Alegre) - "Fiasco":


O Liberal (Belem) - "Humiliation":

O Estado De Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo) - "Humiliation At Home":