This Info-Graphic Shows By 2020 50% of Indian Children Will Attend Private Schools

This Info-Graphic Shows By 2020 50% of Indian Children Will
Attend Private Schools

Education is what every child in the country has a right upon. The urbanites are sending their children to swanky private schools and colleges in India. And slowly the rural population is warming up to the fact that there are better schools in the country other than the ones run by the government and the ‘Panchayats’.

This Info-graphic puts light on the education sector in India and shows that in 2012 about 35% of the Indian children (both rural and urban) enrolled in private schools. By 2020, the figure will increase to 50%. Most children in North and North-West India attend private schools and 47% of children in India can read basic English.

The Indian national education policy came into play in 1986. Since then lot of amendments and additions have been done to the policy for the best education system of modern times. These do require further improvements and some new implementations to become a robust world-class education system. Right now, private schools are leading the race for better education. More and more people want their children enrolled in them. Hence, the demand for good private schools is at an all time high.
This Info-Graphic Shows By 2020 50% of Indian Children Will
Attend Private Schools
Click here to enlarge the image.
Info-Graphic Courtesy: Outline India (