A New Partnership Shows Why Pinterest Is So Important For Retailers


bii social commerce salesPinterest is gearing up for a big rest of the year thanks to a newly announced partnership with the e-commerce platform Shopify.


Shopify has automatically enabled Pinterest's Rich Pins for all 100,000+ merchants that use its e-commerce platform. This means that whenever an online shopper Pins a product from a merchant's Shopify store and shares it on Pinterest, the Pin will carry with it important product information such as pricing and stock availability for that item.

In a recent report from BI Intelligence, we analyzed the data and spoke to leaders in the social commerce space to understand how social media can play an important role at the different stages of the retail and e-commerce "purchase funnel," the long process that leads to a retail sale. At the bottom of this post, you can see a graphic from BI Intelligence showing what the purchase funnel really looks like.

Pinterest already drives a huge share of referrals to e-commerce sites, but now it's closing the gap between product discovery and purchase. It's moving into being much more of a direct retail sales driver. Facebook too is moving in this direction, adding a "Buy Now" button to ads and Page posts from brands.

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Here's how social commerce companies are driving sales:

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