Here are 10 definitive reasons why you should stay bullish on the US economy


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Christof Koepsel/Getty

Stay bullish on America.


There are reasons to become discouraged about the economy, such as Friday's jobs report.

It showed that employers added just 38,000 jobs, the lowest in six years. And even after restoring the one-time hit from a big Verizon strike, the number was still quite low.

Of course, that triggered a lot of bearish talk on the state of the US economy. But in a timely report on Friday, Joseph Quinlan, chief market strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch's US Trust division, discussed ten reasons to remain optimistic even though a lot is going wrong.

"For investors, don't buy the coming election-related hype that America is in decline," he wrote.


"Nothing could be further from the truth. Stay long the United States."

Here are ten reasons why you should: