I spent two hours with Samsung's insanely wide monitor - here's what it's like

I spent two hours with Samsung's insanely wide monitor - here's what it's like

You might look at pictures of Samsung's insanely-wide CHG90 monitor and think, "Who on Earth needs a monitor this wide?"


I'll bet a lot of people said the same thing when square 4:3 TVs and monitors were still the standard back in the early 2000s, and "widescreen" 16:9 TVs and monitors hadn't become mainstream yet. Now, 16:9 widescreen is the standard monitor aspect ratio that everyone uses.

But why stop at 16:9? Well, the industry didn't stop there, as it started producing "ultra-wide" 21:9 monitors in 2015, which offered more screen real estate for work, and gave PC gamers that extra layer of immersion.

It's now 2017, and Samsung thinks you need even more screen, so it made the "super ultra-wide" CHG90 monitor, which has an aspect ratio of 32:9. That's two 16:9 widescreen monitors in one.

samsung chg90monitor straight

Antonio Villas-Boas/Business Insider

The question is not why Samsung made this outrageously wide monitor. Rather, the question that should be burning in everyone's mind, especially gamers, is what is it like to use?