Meet the nomadic photographer who has been road-tripping with her dog around the US for the past 7 years



Alison Turner

In 2008, Alison Turner quit her job in ad sales, hit the road with her rescue dog, Max, and didn't look back. Over the past seven years, Alison and Max have circled the US three times, driven over 100,000 miles, and made several trips to their favorite destination, the American Southwest.


"Ever since I can remember, I have been independent and curious," Alison told Business Insider. "Being on the open road is a feeling I can't get anywhere else. It's a feeling of freedom," Alison said.

"The first year is the hardest - if you get through that and want to continue, then the road is for you." Though living out of a van isn't easy, Alison's GoWesty serves her well. "Everything you decide to bring along must have a function. There isn't room for things you don't use." Weather is an important factor, and Alison generally travels following the good kind. "What the weather is outside is what it will be in the van. I have camped in over 100 degrees and below freezing."

Photography has been an integral part of Alison's travels. Since beginning her journey, Alison's client list has grown, and her work has been shown in galleries across the US. Between her GoPro, Instagram, and DSLR, she's documented and shared her journey, inspired by the people she's met along the way, the sweeping landscapes, and, of course, Max.

Take a look ahead at some of Alison's best images from the road.
