These fascinating diagrams reveal how to manage people in different countries


Argentine managers win over their staff with a "combination of intellectual argument and openly friendly stance."

Argentine managers win over their staff with a "combination of intellectual argument and openly friendly stance."

The Aussies want their boss to join them in a healthy disrespect for rules and formalism, to lapse into broad speech and cuss a bit, to be affable and ironic at the same time, and to avoid flowery or obscure expressions.

The Aussies want their boss to join them in a healthy disrespect for rules and formalism, to lapse into broad speech and cuss a bit, to be affable and ironic at the same time, and to avoid flowery or obscure expressions.

Austrian managers use "a combination of folksy Austrian-accented German and sophisticated French loan-words."

Austrian managers use "a combination of folksy Austrian-accented German and sophisticated French loan-words."

Brazilian managers are "very concerned with cosiness and cheerfulness, freedom of expression and extroversion, and sometimes racial harmony."

Brazilian managers are "very concerned with cosiness and cheerfulness, freedom of expression and extroversion, and sometimes racial harmony."

Canadian managers use a low-key and humorous tone as "a tool for motivating laid-back, calm, modest, tolerant staff."

Canadian managers use a low-key and humorous tone as "a tool for motivating laid-back, calm, modest, tolerant staff."

Chinese managers rely heavily on Confucian precepts." Also "politeness and courtesy are mandatory.

Chinese managers rely heavily on Confucian precepts." Also "politeness and courtesy are mandatory.

In Czech management, "reasoning and logic predominate." Also "humor is frequent and welcome."

In Czech management, "reasoning and logic predominate." Also "humor is frequent and welcome."

Danish "excels in confiding, almost conspiratorial tones," which allows the manager "to share ideas in a closely confidential manner with colleagues."

Danish "excels in confiding, almost conspiratorial tones," which allows the manager "to share ideas in a closely confidential manner with colleagues."

Estonian managers "address their staff in a very factual manner, though elegance of vocabulary is admired."

Estonian managers "address their staff in a very factual manner, though elegance of vocabulary is admired."

Finnish bosses "can be cold, terse, and factual in one mode, then switch to a richer, more flowery one when it suits their purpose."

Finnish bosses "can be cold, terse, and factual in one mode, then switch to a richer, more flowery one when it suits their purpose."

Germans "like receiving detailed information and instruction to guide them."

Germans "like receiving detailed information and instruction to guide them."

The Greek management style is typified by loquacious and eloquent leaders.

The Greek management style is typified by loquacious and eloquent leaders.

Hispanic American managers tend "to soften the delivery and the message" in order to show understanding of human problems.

Hispanic American managers tend "to soften the delivery and the message" in order to show understanding of human problems.

Cantonese, the language of management in Hong Kong, "is essentially a language of commerce and is consequently faster, blunter, and more factual than most Chinese dialects."

Cantonese, the language of management in Hong Kong, "is essentially a language of commerce and is consequently faster, blunter, and more factual than most Chinese dialects."

Successful Hungarian managers are expected to have mastery of the language, which is rich in imagery.

Successful Hungarian managers are expected to have mastery of the language, which is rich in imagery.

The language of the Indian manager emphasizes the collective nature of the task and challenge.

The language of the Indian manager emphasizes the collective nature of the task and challenge.

Indonesian is a respectful language, and "managers motivate staff with such softness."

Indonesian is a respectful language, and "managers motivate staff with such softness."

Iranian managers "offer help where needed, have bottom line focus, and give staff members as much freedom as possible to prosper."

Iranian managers "offer help where needed, have bottom line focus, and give staff members as much freedom as possible to prosper."

Irish leaders apply a poetic touch to their dialogue and command allegiance through a skillful combination of ironic humor, subtle references, and reasonable proposals.

Irish leaders apply a poetic touch to their dialogue and command allegiance through a skillful combination of ironic humor, subtle references, and reasonable proposals.

Japanese managers rarely issue clear orders: they only hint at what has to be done.

Japanese managers rarely issue clear orders: they only hint at what has to be done.

Kazakh leaders preach a more relaxed form of Islam than the others and their close oil-related involvement with foreigners has encouraged pragmatism and a more international outlook.

Kazakh leaders preach a more relaxed form of Islam than the others and their close oil-related involvement with foreigners has encouraged pragmatism and a more international outlook.

Korean managers are authoritarian and direct and "beat about the bush much less than Japanese or Chinese."

Korean managers are authoritarian and direct and "beat about the bush much less than Japanese or Chinese."

Latvian "managers address staff in a cool, measured manner." They like to "mix optimism with realism."

Latvian "managers address staff in a cool, measured manner." They like to "mix optimism with realism."

Lithuanian is a rich, expressive language, enabling managers to revel in its aesthetic, archaic constructions.

Lithuanian is a rich, expressive language, enabling managers to revel in its aesthetic, archaic constructions.

The Dutch manager has a "tough, but give-and-take style."

The Dutch manager has a "tough, but give-and-take style."

The energetic and distinctive tones of the Norwegian language serve "to link managers more closely to their staff."

The energetic and distinctive tones of the Norwegian language serve "to link managers more closely to their staff."

The language of the Pakistani manager emphasizes the collective nature of the task and Islamic solidarity.

The language of the Pakistani manager emphasizes the collective nature of the task and Islamic solidarity.

Managers may use facts and figures to motivate, but the key to the Polish heart is sentimental romanticism.

Managers may use facts and figures to motivate, but the key to the Polish heart is sentimental romanticism.

Portuguese managers use their language skillfully to create "an impression of deep human understanding."

Portuguese managers use their language skillfully to create "an impression of deep human understanding."

Russians respond favorably to a personal, almost conspiratorial, approach.

Russians respond favorably to a personal, almost conspiratorial, approach.

In Saudi Arabia (and other Arab countries) "a good manager is a good Muslim. The language used will make frequent references to Allah and align itself with the precepts of the Koran."

In Saudi Arabia (and other Arab countries) "a good manager is a good Muslim. The language used will make frequent references to Allah and align itself with the precepts of the Koran."

Scot leaders address subordinates in an inspirational, commanding, yet folksy manner. Their speech is direct and crisp, and orders are clear.

Scot leaders address subordinates in an inspirational, commanding, yet folksy manner. Their speech is direct and crisp, and orders are clear.

Serbian managers use the rhetoric of the Serbo-Croat language, which is "persuasive, manipulative, and effectively coercive" to mold behavior.

Serbian managers use the rhetoric of the Serbo-Croat language, which is "persuasive, manipulative, and effectively coercive" to mold behavior.

Slovak managers "sell their ideas softly but with tenacity."

Slovak managers "sell their ideas softly but with tenacity."

Slovenian managers tone down emotion and substitute logic and reasoning.

Slovenian managers tone down emotion and substitute logic and reasoning.

Spanish managers' discourse leans on emotive content. They woo, persuade, cajole.

Spanish managers' discourse leans on emotive content. They woo, persuade, cajole.

Sub-Saharan African managers use the "powers of oratory, symbolism, and ability to call on the influence of ancestors" to manage effectively.

Sub-Saharan African managers use the "powers of oratory, symbolism, and ability to call on the influence of ancestors" to manage effectively.

Swedish language tends to "stratify managers at the same level as their colleagues," because it heavily uses the informal "du" form.

Swedish language tends to "stratify managers at the same level as their colleagues," because it heavily uses the informal "du" form.

Swiss managers address their subordinates in four different languages," but all styles "share Swiss reserve, caution, and common sense.

Swiss managers address their subordinates in four different languages," but all styles "share Swiss reserve, caution, and common sense.

Thai "leaders are expected to be kind to subordinates and will command their loyalty by taking into consideration their needs and desires."

Thai "leaders are expected to be kind to subordinates and will command their loyalty by taking into consideration their needs and desires."

Turkish managers are strong and decisive when dealing with their own people.

Turkish managers are strong and decisive when dealing with their own people.

Ukrainian managers "motivate staff in speech which has elements of emotion, fluency, and vibrancy."

Ukrainian managers "motivate staff in speech which has elements of emotion, fluency, and vibrancy."

US managers are "viewed in a positive and sympathetic light, as one of the figures responsible for the nation's speedy development and commercial services."

US managers are "viewed in a positive and sympathetic light, as one of the figures responsible for the nation's speedy development and commercial services."

Moralistic doctrine is a priority in Uzbekistan, "though they let little stand in the way of doing business."

Moralistic doctrine is a priority in Uzbekistan, "though they let little stand in the way of doing business."

Vietnamese "leaders adhere closely to socialist themes, which affects management style."

Vietnamese "leaders adhere closely to socialist themes, which affects management style."

Managers address their staff in a folksy way without any trace of superior airs." Also, "there is generally a lot of human contact between Welsh managers and their staff.

Managers address their staff in a folksy way without any trace of superior airs." Also, "there is generally a lot of human contact between Welsh managers and their staff.

Now check out some more of Richard Lewis' insights.

Now check out some more of Richard Lewis' insights.

These Diagrams Reveal How To Do Business With People Around The World