This Dutch video spoofing Donald Trump is going viral


dutch viral video spoof trump

vpro zondag met lubach / YouTube

Really great. Just the best wishes.

LONDON - Last week, Donald Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States - you may have heard.

In the customary speech given before a crowd of disputed size, Trump kept his trademark rhetoric strong: Put "America first."

According to Dutch TV personality, Arjen Lubach, though, this message had a hidden meaning for the rest of the world: "I will screw you over big time."

Worried that the Netherlands could potentially be 'screwed over' by a Trump presidency, Lubach's programme, " Zondag Met Lubach", released a hilarious video, pleading with America's new leader to put "the Netherlands second."

"Because we realise it's better for us to get along, we decided to introduce our tiny country to him. In a way that will probably appeal to him the most."


Watch the video below. The man doing the Trump impression is Dutch American comedian Greg Shapiro.