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7 things you do at the office that make you look less smart, less accomplished, and less impressive than you really are

Dec 8, 2017, 01:32 IST

Colleen Hayes/NBC

  • Even the smartest people can display workplace habits that make them look unprofessional.
  • We listed some of the worst offenses below, based on scientific research and expert opinion.
  • Those offenses include telling inappropriate jokes and being too sheepish to ask for advice.

You're a smart person. And your coworkers should know that.

The problem is, too many smart people fall prey to bad work habits that make everyone in the office think they're ... not so smart.

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Below, we rounded up some of the most egregious offenses, according to scientific research and expert opinion. Read on to learn about the behaviors to avoid, lest you sabotage your professional reputation.

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