"Ignition!" is another, hard-to-get-your-hands-on account of early rocket science.
"There is a good book on rocket stuff called 'Ignition!' by John Clark that's a really fun one," Musk said in an interview.
Clark was an American chemist active in the development of rocket fuels back in the 1960s and 1970s, and the book is both an account of the growth of the field and an explainer of how the science works.
Though the book is hard to track down, people love it. Consider this Amazon review:
This book has the right mix of technical details, descriptions of experiments with spectacular results, background info about the why's and how's, and about the politics involved. It is a very engaging and uplifting book because Clark captured a lot of the enthusiasm he had for rockets.
Fortunately for us, this rare text is available online here and here.