Worst Tipper # 10: Rachael Ray saves money by only tipping around 10% on meals.
As the host of Food Network's $40 a Day, Rachael Ray showed viewers how to have fun in a new city without breaking their budget.
However, as many miffed waiters and waitresses have pointed out, part of her strategy is tipping around ten percent on many meals.
That's not yummers, Rachael. Not yummers at all.
Worst Tipper #9: Mick Jagger once left an 11% tip on a $90 pizza tab.
Estimates of Mick Jagger's net worth hover around $225 million, and he's earned every penny of it.
However, eyebrows were raised when the Stones frontman dined at Washington DC's Pizzeria Paradiso and racked up a $90 tab, and left an 11 percent tip of $10. One message board even has a report of Jagger dining there and failing to leave any tip at all.
The best things in life may be free, but generally a decent tip starts at fifteen percent.
Worst Tipper #8: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is "just a cheap pebble."
By all accounts an all-around nice guy, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson still managed to rub one waiter the wrong way, who promptly took to the internet to vent.
According to the anonymous waiter, Johnson asked a steak house to open up early, so Johnson could avoid his fans.
At the end of the meal, Johnson reportedly left a seven dollar tip. As the waiter seethes, "This guy is not a 'Rock' to me, just a cheap pebble."
Worst Tipper #7: Bill Cosby once gave change to a bellhop.
Bill Cosby has racked up few angry stories from the stiffed. One waiter reports that Cosby racked up a ticket of $375 during the course of an evening.
The tip for doing so? Three bucks. That works out at a .08 percent tip.
Another server tells of Cosby arriving at a hotel with six very heavy bags, only to tip the bellhop fifty cents. Don't spend it all in one place, kid.
Worst Tipper #6: Kirsten Dunst left no tip on a comped meal.
There are multiple stories floating around the internet of former Spider-Man star Kirsten Dunst running up massive bills and then failing to tip the wait staff.
One waitress wrote of Dunst dining in a West Hollywood eatery and leaving a zero percent tip after a starstruck manager comped her meal.
Another assistant manager told FOX News that Dunst once ran up a $233 bill, and then left "without even the smallest gratuity."
Worst Tipper #5: Madonna leaves bad tips all over the world.
There's been so many reports of Madonna's miserliness, it's almost like being stiffed by Madge is a rite of passage amongst high-end eatery wait staff.
While Madonna was still married to Guy Ritchie, the duo left $18 on a $400 ticket in a West London restaurant -- a 4.5 percent tip.
Another waitress reported that after Madonna ate with a pal at NYC hotspot Babbo, she failed to leave any tip at all.
Worst Tipper #4: Tiger Woods never carries cash.
Tiger Woods may be the closest thing golf has seen to perfection on the course, but off it he's gained the reputation for being a bit tight-fisted.
One tipster reported to the NY Post that when Woods was out and about in Vegas, he refused to tip, forcing his flustered companion to tip for everything herself.
At least his reason is original: apparently Woods doesn't carry cash, ever.
Worst Tipster #3: Usher reportedly leaves his autograph as a tip.
Usher may sing silky smooth jams, but he's also known for leaving big fat goose eggs for tips.
One waiter reports that the star has built up a reputation for attempting to get others to pick up the check for him, and when that fails, leaving his autograph as a tip.
FYI: A signed photo of Usher is selling for $4.75 right now on eBay (with zero bids).
Worst Tipper #2: Britney Spears can be flat-out rude to wait staff.
There's stiffing someone on the tip, and then there's downright degrading someone. It's been reported that Britney Spears has done both.
E! Online picked up a story of Spears eating with her entourage at Hollywood hot spot One Sunset, snarfing down $251 worth of food, and then leaving nada for a tip.
Even worse is the story that Spears once threw a pile of change at the feet of a parking valet, telling him, "There's your tip."
Worst Tipper #1: Jeremy Piven was reportedly banned from Nobu.
In 2007, Jeremy Piven reportedly showed up at high-end sushi joint Nobu in Aspen with a crowd of 12, without a reservation.
After being seated and served, Piven told a manager while walking out, "Thanks for nothing." His tip? A signed Entourage DVD. An enraged Nobu employee apparently hurled the box at Piven as he was leaving.
Piven was banned from Nobu, so we guess Piven and Nobu staff failed to hug it out.
Now see the 10 best celebrity tippers.
Best Tipper #10: Dan Aykroyd often leaves 50% tips.
If you're a celeb and you're going to become a regular at a place, be like Dan Akyrod.
According to one waitress, when the Ghostbusters star visits her restaurant to the north of Syracuse, NY, he regularly leaves either $100 or 50 percent of tab, whichever is larger.
Best Tipper #9: Barack Obama once left a 900% tip on a single beer.
While running for office, Barack Obama left a 900 percent tip while grabbing a beer at Raleigh Times Bar in Raleigh, North Carolina.
According to TMZ, he paid for a $2 beer with a twenty, and told the bartender to keep what was left over. That's change we can believe in.
Best Tipper #8: Bill Murray is willing to get his hands dirty behind the bar.
One waiter reports that not only is Bill Murray a big tipper -- reportedly throwing down a 120 percent tip on top of a $60 check -- but he's also helpful.
He showed the waiter how to make lemon wedges juicier by rolling the lemon on the cutting board prior to slicing it. So he's got that going for him, which is nice.
Best Tipper #7: Drew Barrymore tipped Ana Ortiz 100%.
We have it on the good word of Ugly Betty star Ana Ortiz, who was a bartender for years before her big break, that Drew Barrymore is a peach to serve.
Ortiz says that Barrymore would double up the bill, tipping 100 percent, both of the times she served the Charlie's Angels star.
Best Tipper #6: Russell Crowe treats his friends.
The biggest story about Russell Crowe and the service industry involves a flying phone, but that apparently isn't the norm. While on vacation in South Wales, Crowe stopped by the Carew Inn in Tenby for a quick pint with friends, and ended up leaving a £600 tip.
The downside, we guess, is that he also played guitar and sang songs for the crowd.
Best Tipper #5: Drew Carey leaves tips larger than the bill.
Drew Carey is a big enough tipper that waiters apparently fall all over themselves trying to serve him.
For instance? He dined at Arnie Morton steakhouse in Los Angeles, racking up a $250 tab. On top of that, he plunked down a $400 tip. The price is right indeed.
Best Tipper #4: Hulk Hogan tips well AND takes time to pose with fans.
The Hulkster, who is reportedly both generous and down to earth, is another waiters' favorite.
One South Florida server claims that Hogan not only tipped $80 on a $120 ticket, but he also took the time to take pictures and sign autographs with fans among the restaurant staff after eating.
Best Tipper #3: Charlie Sheen tips all event staff.
When Charlie Sheen's daughter Cassandra Jade Estevez had her Sweet Sixteen, Sheen decided to show off his generous side.
Sheen slipped the event staff a little something extra, tipping out everyone who worked the event a smooth $200.
Best Tipper #2: David Beckham once tipped $900 on a $100 tab.
David Beckham may be living the posh life with Posh Spice, but he's willing to share the wealth. He stopped in with some teammates from LA Galaxy at Joxer Daily's Pub in Culver City, CA, where the gang had a few beers and pub snacks (though Becks apparently stuck to mineral water).
After racking up a $100 tab, Beckham simply added a zero to the total bill, tipping the waitress an extra $900.
Best Tipper #1: Johnny Depp left a $4,000 tip on a $4,400 bill.
While filming Public Enemies in Chicago, Johnny Depp struck up a friendship with Mohammaed Sekhani, a waiter at Gibson's Steakhouse.
Back in Chicago for the premiere, Depp showed his appreciation by leaving an extra $4,000 tip on top of the $4,400 bill.