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Amazon sellers with manufacturing in China have banded together to exchange information around coronavirus and cope with the evolving situation as they wait for their products to arrive

Mar 11, 2020, 01:50 IST
  • Amazon sellers who manufacture their products in China faced shortages when the coronavirus started spreading across the country.
  • Lori Barzvi is one of those sellers - she's down to several hundred units of her products, including her bestseller foot gadget My Solemate, and expects her revenues to be off by up to 35% for the second quarter.
  • Barzvi was expecting to get another shipment mid-March, after a delay in inventory due to suppliers being kept away from factories. She said she kept in close contact with her sourcing agent as the news came in.
  • She and other entrepreneurs in her circle shared with Business Insider how coronavirus has impacted revenues and inventory - some are optimistic and have even seen a rise in sales, while others are more skeptical of their businesses' success in the coming months.
  • Click here for more BI Prime stories.

The health of Lori Barzvi's company - Love, Lori, LLC - isn't tracked by the Dow or any of the other economic indicators that have lately become so volatile in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. Data relating to the performance of small businesses like Barzvi's is seldom accessible on a real-time basis - we mainly know about their economic importance thanks to government reports like the Small Business Administration's report, which said in 2019 that small businesses account for 44% of US economic activity.


But this usually thriving part of our GDP, which heavily depends on entrepreneurs, may actually be patient zero when it comes to the impact of coronavirus on the US economy.

Since founding Love, Lori in 2014, Barzvi has made her mark as the foot-care guru behind the Amazon bestseller My Solemate, a double-sided gadget designed for at-home pedicures that cleanses and exfoliates the feet, softening soles and heels with its half-soap,-half-pumice construction.

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Despite surpassing the $1 million mark for yearly revenues in 2018 and gaining media attention from dozens of outlets including "Good Morning America," Barzvi is now one of the thousands of entrepreneurs currently battling low inventory, uncertainty, and a dearth of information as her business weathers the coronavirus outbreak.

Quarantines in China limit US inventory, while Barzvi worries about her colleagues abroad

To facilitate her brisk sales, Barzvi, who manufactures in China, normally keeps her stateside inventory levels at approximately 20,000 units of each of the dozen-plus products she sells via her website and on Amazon.


Her overall inventory as of recent is down dramatically, including for several products of which she has only 200 to 300 units remaining - a result of the country establishing widespread quarantines.

Barzvi told Business Insider that it became clear something was dramatically amiss with her suppliers the last week of January, as the country's workforce was scheduled to return from their annual celebrations around Chinese New Year, which fell on the 25th.

"All my contacts were out for the holiday, and during that time I started hearing about what was happening with the Chinese response to coronavirus, so I contacted my sourcing agent," Barzvi recalled. "She told me, 'Yes, it's true, we're not allowed to go back to work' - meaning everyone - and at first they didn't really know how long that would last."

It wasn't just the economic impact of a break in the supply chain that concerned Barzvi. The lives of China-based colleagues she'd worked with for more than four years were in danger, including that of her sourcing agent and her family.

"I was getting these texts from her," Barzvi said, "saying how scared they were, they weren't allowed to leave the house, they're getting one delivery of food every so often and that's it. When that's someone you know, who you've worked with for years, it really brings it home on a very personal level."


Barzvi, based in New York City, offered to help, to send supplies from the US. When the sourcing agent replied, however, she said nothing could be done.

"All people can do is just stay at home to reduce sick," Barzvi said she was told in a text. "We [sic] really afraid. Too serious."

Some entrepreneurs quickly rebounded after delays, while others even saw sales spike

Meanwhile, in the absence of definitive timelines and the lack of information from not just contacts on the ground in China but also stateside, Barzvi relied on her business network to keep up with developments. As the virus was just gaining hold in the US, it seemed that Barzvi's small, informal group of entrepreneurs, many of whom have Amazon bestsellers, seemed to have far more detailed information than the US media or authorities.

"I checked with other friends who manufactured in China, and they were all saying the same thing. We found out that once the workers started coming back from Chinese New Year they'd have to stay home for two weeks, but that ended up getting extended," Barzvi said. "Every person I know that sells on Amazon, or doesn't sell on Amazon, we're all in the same boat, trying to react to this information and sustain our businesses."

She added, "Some people in my little group have more access to information than others, some people have insight into operations in different parts of the country. We were sharing all of this information with each other - at times we had some really inside scoop."


Ultimately, that inside scoop revealed that production had started to normalize in China. For Barzvi, this notice came on February 25, confirming that the workers were slowly returning to the factory in Shenzhen where her products are made. According to email correspondence from her supplier, Barzvi's next shipment is scheduled to leave China on March 19. If everything goes right, the products will then begin their journey to her, a new supply to replenish her dwindling inventory.

This return to production has actually been relatively swift, in the opinion of one of Barzvi's contacts, Brandon Young. He and his wife, who private label products for sale primarily on Amazon through a number of different companies, expect their revenues to be down about 40% from the $15 million they'd originally projected to reach in 2020.

Young's wife is Chinese, and they were in the country to celebrate the Chinese New Year with her family when the country began initiating its quarantines. As such, he had a front-row seat to the country's response.

"We have an office and employees in China in addition to our family, and were there with the intention of finalizing orders for our brands then celebrating the holiday when [the government] immediately canceled the holiday celebrations and enforced strict quarantine policies nationwide," Young told Business Insider. "The disruption in production was actually short-lived because of [China's] incredible response. Most of our factories are back to work and at 75%+ capacity. China will be the first country to recover from this pandemic."

Another member of Barzvi's informal network, Tim Jordan, who has also built a successful business private labeling products for Amazon and coaches new sellers on success on the platform, told Business Insider that the severity of the coronavirus break in the supply chain has left him with long-standing questions about the stability of manufacturing in China.


"Although none of my factories I use had workforce that contracted the virus, the lockdowns by the Chinese government caused a scenario where they could not return to work," Jordan said. "That snowballed into a 35-day delay in order completions on my best-selling product, which caused me to stock out for a lengthy period of time, and the delay has further been exacerbated by the cancellation of so many flights, which has decreased my ability to ship by air to the US for distribution."

Jordan added, "Coronavirus has caused not only a delay in my supply chain, but a level of uncertainty regarding long-term partnerships with multiple suppliers in China. The delays have hurt a lot of the smaller manufacturers I use, and they may not be able to recover."

One of Barzvi's contacts is actually experiencing an uptick in business from his customers who, having experienced the supply shortfall, are increasing their orders now that production is back online. Ron Berkes, CEO of Iron Garden Products and founder of ManufacturingChina.com, said he expects orders this year to increase by 30 to 50%, including with lines he manufactures for Mark Cuban Companies.

"I actually benefited from the situation, asking my clients to buy a reserve of their products," Berkes told Business Insider. "For the first quarter of this year, we experienced delays of 45 days, but overall this situation has actually increased my second-quarter and third-quarter sales."

Barzvi remains cautiously optimistic as her products are in transit

The waiting game continues for US entrepreneurs - many of whom's inventory numbers stateside continue their downward trend, including Barzvi's bestseller, My Solemate.


"My point of view is that I'll believe my products are here when I see them in my hands - I still feel like anything could happen," Barzvi said. "Right now, the rates of the coronavirus are going down in China, but I'm very aware that that could change."

A native of Manhattan who has advocated for herself and her family through a number of devastating life events, including the loss of her brother, Guy, in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Barzvi is not only an astute businessperson, but also driven and solutions-oriented. In the interim, while all she could do was wait, she explored the possibility of moving production to the US, to no avail.

"Out of the six US manufacturers I left messages with to see if I could bring production back to the States, only one got back to me, and then they just ultimately stopped answering my inquiries," she said. "I gave them order quantities of 20,000 on all my SKUs, and we didn't even get to pricing or anything."

Like many in her informal entrepreneurs network, Barzvi's trying to manage her expectations, adjusting to the fact that her revenues will likely be off by up to 35% for the second quarter.

"I'm remaining cautiously optimistic and just taking it day by day," Barzvi said. "That's all you really can do: Sit and wait it out, and hope for the best."

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