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Disney World theme parks are becoming remote working hotspots

May 5, 2024, 23:33 IST
Disney World, Florida.Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/Tribune News Service via Getty Images
  • Increasingly more people are choosing to work remotely from Disney theme parks.
  • The trend began in the wake of the pandemic, as remote working became more popular and parks reopened.

More and more people are choosing to work remotely from Disney World theme parks — and it's not just Disney bloggers.

Writers, techies, and social media workers are just some of those heading down to Orlando and sharing their experiences online.

Workers are taking to TikTok, Instagram, and Reddit to document their days at the parks, sharing tips on the best spots to work from, how to navigate the parks, and how they plan their schedules.

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AJ Wolfe, who runs the Disney Food Blog, told NBC News that the number of remote workers setting up in Disney World had increased since the parks reopened in late 2020 after they'd been forced to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wolfe said that it likely reflected the "blurring between conventional workspaces and leisure time" that has occurred in the wake of the pandemic.


"I think people are adopting and looking to adopt a situation where they can work at the same time they're experiencing something they enjoy," she said.

"People want to move to Orlando, they want to feel like they live in Disney World," Wolfe added. "You're closer to the place that makes you happy, and you can access it much more quickly when you're done working."

While it may not work for everyone, certain professions could be particularly suited to the environment.

Jenna Clark previously wrote for Business Insider that the parks were ideal for her job as a writer, as the hustle and bustle of the many guests helped her research and brainstorm new story ideas.

One concern for her, however, was the lack of indoor seating available.


"If you're wanting to sit and work in air conditioning, have a couple of dollars handy just in case you need to purchase something," she wrote.

Clark used her annual pass to access the four theme parks at Disney World, which costs about $1,500 annually.

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