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I'm an Ancestry exec who plans my day based on my genetics. Here's my daily routine and productivity hacks.

Jun 8, 2023, 16:13 IST
Business Insider
Brian Donnelly.Courtesy of Brian Donnelly

  • Brian Donnelly is a chief commercial officer at Ancestry.
  • Donnelly says he starts each day by conquering his mind with a 5 a.m. cold plunge.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Brian Donnelly, a 40-year-old chief commercial officer at Ancestry from San Diego, California, about his productivity hacks. It's been edited for length and clarity.

I've recently gained further understanding of my behavioral strengths as they relate to my genetics. I'm a "morning person," which has been confirmed by my AncestryDNA genetic traits, so I start my day early and follow a daily morning routine.

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As a CCO, productivity and focus are key, so I've cultivated four habits to achieve them. One is cold plunging.

I first became interested in cold exposure after reading about the benefits associated with the immune system, energy, and recovery.


Now I wake up early and start every day with a five-minute plunge at 39 degrees

One of the things I enjoy most is the mind-over-matter aspect of this daily routine and starting out the day having the will power required to do the hard work.

I'd love to tell you it gets easier each day, but it doesn't and that's part of what I love about it. Most mornings I find my mind trying to convince me to skip a day, do it later, or get out early.

Starting the day by conquering my mind and doing each small task step-by-step to get in front of the tub, put my foot in, submerge my body, and stay in for five minutes sets me up to methodically grind through whatever the day has in store, no matter how difficult it may seem in the moment.

I set up my whole day to play to my genetic and behavioral strengths

I often wake up around 5 a.m. This allows me to mentally prepare for the day ahead, establish clear goals for what I hope to accomplish by the end of it, review any pre-read documents that have been sent out, and ensure I'm set up for maximum productivity throughout the day.

I also reserve mornings — the time when I'm most focused and creative — for tasks that require deep concentration and decision making. This allows me to leverage my peak cognitive abilities to tackle critical challenges head-on. Then I reserve the afternoon for update meetings and 1:1s.


On the flip side, I'm not a night owl. I recognize the value of quality sleep as a productivity hack and prioritize sleep and recovery. I use a wearable device that monitors my sleep and recovery, relative to the daily strain, and adjust my sleep habits to maximize recovery.

I implement two-way-door decision making

This approach is a staple of how I think and approach decision making. It allows me and my team to move quickly throughout the day, maximizing high-velocity decision making. It's also one of the greatest lessons I learned when I served as an executive leader at Amazon.

Here's how it works: I always assess whether a decision I'm making is irreversible — a "one-way door" decision that can't be walked back. Alternatively, I ask myself if a potential decision can easily be course-corrected if the outcome isn't what I expected — a "two-way door" decision, because you can walk the decision back.

Jeff Bezos used to say that around 90% of decisions we make are two-way door decisions, and that not treating two-way door decisions like one-way door decisions is the key to unlocking speed.

Speed matters at every stage of your business no matter the size of the company, but you have to choose and insist on a culture that rewards speed and high-velocity high-impact decision making.


Another way I stay focused is by leveraging a full calendar-management philosophy

I live and die by my Outlook calendar for both personal and professional events. I book everything that's important to me: family and personal time; key meetings to manage a business; time to engage with team, mentees, and mentors; and time to think. This is the glue to this framework.

My wife sends me calendar invites for important events, and I book daily personal time that I never sacrifice: coffee with my wife, breakfast with my kids, exercise, a night-time routine with the kids, and wind-down time with my wife. When I'm traveling, I book family FaceTime.

Finally, I prioritize impact

Knowing that I'll eventually forget almost everything I do in a given day, I optimize my calendar to choose things that give me the best chance at making the biggest impact professionally and personally.

I also schedule required personnel time that includes regular 1:1s, leadership team meetings, and mentor-mentee meetings. I don't change this to accommodate urgent or random requests.

I reduce meeting lengths as often as possible and I book time for traveling between meetings, snacks, bio breaks, and asynch meetings. In addition, reserving time for thinking has been life-changing.

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