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INSTANT MBA: You Need To Know What Doesn't Matter

Jan 12, 2013, 02:34 IST

Today's advice comes from G.J. Heart, CEO of California Pizza Kitchen, via The New York Times:


"One thing I’ve learned over time is a lot more patience and tolerance. I used to always want things yesterday and would be very anxious about moving things along faster. But now I understand that tomorrow’s another day and that things will move along."

Heart says his leadership evolved when he learned to focus on moving forward and having more patience.

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While moving fast is a good quality for CEOs to have, it's important that they know how to move on when deadlines and schedules need to be altered. Prioritizing is one of the most difficult aspects of being an efficient leader. The better you get at separating what matters from what can wait temporarily, you'll be on track to worrying less and only looking forward.

"I think more about whether something really matters and how it will make a difference, versus thinking that everything matters and everything makes a difference. It’s also much clearer to me now what the leadership qualities are that are most important to me."


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