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T. Boone Pickens Explains Why Being 86 Gives Him A Huge Advantage In Business

Oct 27, 2014, 22:37 IST

AP ImagesT. Boone Pickens says he's working just as much as he did when he was younger.

While many people his age spend their days at the beach or on the golf course, 86-year-old energy tycoon T. Boone Pickens remains hard at work as chairman of BP Capital Management, the investment firm he founded in 1997.


In fact, Pickens tells The New York Times Magazine in a recent interview that his old age can actually give him an advantage over the competition.

That's because his decades of experience in business have prepared him for just about anything that can happen in a given day.

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"There are very few things I see that surprise me," Pickens tells The Times Magazine. "I've seen it or something close to it with each thing I come across."

Pickens also says he keeps the same hours as he did 40 years ago, arriving at the office at 8 a.m., following a morning workout with his personal trainer.


The corporate takeover specialist has previously boasted to Business Insider that he is capable of curling 30-pound weights, in comparison with the "pitiful" 10-pound weights President Barack Obama was seen using this past summer.

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