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The 10 Deadliest Jobs In America

Jan 23, 2013, 22:15 IST

America's workplaces are safer now compared to previous years, but some jobs are still more dangerous than others.


According to the most recent results published by the National Census of Fatal Occupation Injuries program conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the occupations that recorded the highest work-related deaths were fishermen, loggers and pilots.

In 2011, workers in the fishing industry recorded fatal work injuries of 121.2 per 100,000 full-time workers, loggers recorded 102.4 and pilots had 57 fatal work injuries per 100,000 full-time workers.

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The national average is listed as 3.5 fatal work injuries per 100,000 full-time workers, a decrease from the previous year's recorded 3.6.

The chart below shows America's deadliest jobs:


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