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The Mayor Of London Knows What The The World's Elites Are Really Thinking About

Jan 23, 2014, 15:45 IST

REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth

If you ask the random person at the World Economic Forum in Davos what the big issues are right now, they will probably answer one of four things: Inequality, the impact of technology on the economy, Iran, and tensions between China and Japan.


Last night I ran into London Mayor Boris Johnson and asked him what he thought the big story of the conference was.

His answer, summarized: Everyone will tell you here that they're thinking about inequality. What they're really thinking about is that because of the rebounding economy they're doing better this year than last year.

Good answer.

That being said, Johnson did agree that inequality was a huge issue, so mainly he was questioning the sincerity of everyone else talking about it.


As for the situation in London I brought up the city's well-known property boom (which many people consider to be a bubble) that has made housing unaffordable for many Londoners. His answer: Lots more construction.

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