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This App Will Help You Avoid The Awkwardness Of Quitting Your Job In Person

Jan 7, 2014, 20:32 IST

A new year is a perfect time to try something new. You may want to go to the gym more or eat healthier. Some people may even want to quit their jobs. Surprisingly, there's an app for that.


The creators of BreakupText, the messenger that helped you end a relationship without the awkwardness of doing it in person, have made a new app called Quit Your Job.

This program provides you with a quick and easy solution to join the unemployment line. All it takes is a few quick taps.

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Here's how it works.

Download the app here. Here's the main menu. "Tap Begin The End."



You'll have three options to choose from to let someone know you're leaving. Try tapping "I'm sick of the corporate world."


Decide who will be getting the message.



The app will send you straight to your contacts list.


Once you decide who will get the news, here's what the message will look like. The app will give you a series of random responses based on your choices. Send away!


That's all it takes! Feel free to share your unemployment status and keep the app to quit another job in the future.



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