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Want To Work For Zappos? Here Are Some Of The Unusual Questions You Might Hear On A Job Interview

May 13, 2014, 22:46 IST

Getty Images/Ethan Miller

Everything we've ever heard about Zappos, the Las Vegas-based e-commerce company, makes it sound like a fun place to work.


Its CEO, Tony Hsieh, has created an eccentric company culture where it wouldn't be out-of-the-ordinary to find a guy in a hot-dog suit doing back flips down the hall or all the employees in the office dressed up for Tutu Tuesdays.

Sound good? Before you get in, you've got to ace the interview. We scoured Glassdoor for interesting Zappos interview questions.

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Here are some of the toughest, most out-there ones we could find:

"If you had to buy Tony shots, what kind of shot would you buy him?"


"How would you design a spice rack for a blind person?"

"What's one of the last times that you embarrassed yourself to draw attention to yourself?"

"What is your favorite curse word? Use it in a sentence about your last job."

Yana Paskova/Stringer, Getty Images

"If you had to plan a parade, what would be the theme?"

"If you were an animal, which one would you be?"


"What's something you've always wanted to do but haven't? After you answer: Why haven't you done it?"

"Name two ways to use a brick that don't involve labor."

"Can you sell me this Blackberry over this iPhone?"

"If you could be doing anything in the world and money didn't matter, what would it be?"

"If you could be a super hero, what would you be and why?"


"If you were given $500 to plan a company event what would it be and why?"

"How weird are you on a scale of 1 to 10?"

"Would you dress up at work if given the chance?"

"If you were a dessert, what would you be?"

"If your life were a movie, what would the trailer be like?"


Wikimedia Commons

"What types of advantages does having a headquarters in Vegas give a company?"

"What question were you expecting us to ask that we didn't?"

"Which one of our 'core values' would be most difficult for you to uphold?"

"Describe a time when you had to break the rule to get the job done."

"If your life had a theme song, what would it be?"


"What is something weird that makes you happy?"

"If a parade starts behind you while you are on the phone with a vendor how do you handle it?"

"What would your autobiography be titled?"

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