13 fascinating books written by US presidents after they left the White House


barack obama white house us president

Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

What's next for Obama once he leaves the White House?


What's next on the agenda for US President Barack Obama once he leaves the White House in January?

Well, if he follows in the footsteps of the six presidents on this list, it will probably involve writing a book or two.

No matter what, there might be some lucrative book deals awaiting Obama, who's already authored "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope," according to a report from the New York Times.

Before the 44th president's potential tell-all hits shelves, check out these books by former presidents.


Amazon Books senior editor Adrian Liang created this list of the best books written by US presidents once they've left the White House.

Here are her picks, listed in reverse chronological order, with descriptions in her own words: