After quitting her corporate job, this woman jump started her creativity by traveling solo through the Middle East


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Courtesy Natasha Salman

Natasha Salman of Whimsical and Existing.


The INSIDER Summary:

• Natasha Salman spent two months traveling through Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.
• Going solo jump started her creativity and helped her practice mindfulness.
• She hopes to show the beauty of Lebanon that many don't see or know about.

After her corporate job left her drained and unfulfilled, Natasha Salman decided to travel through Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates by herself.

On her two-month trip to the Middle East, the 26-year-old incorporated her yoga training for a centered, mindful journey that rejuvenated her.


She didn't think about the corporate job she left behind, or what she would do when she returned home to Florida. By focusing on the present, she reawakened her creativity and felt a sense of direction despite not knowing where it might lead.

Salman blogs about her travels on Whimsical and Existing, and spoke to INSIDER about the importance of feeling grounded when flying across the world.