From the poorest to the richest homes, here's what pets are like around the world


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Johan Eriksson for Dollar Street

This cat lives in a Liberian home that earns $48/month per adult.

Humans have kept pets for around 15,000 years, so it should be no surprise that people around the world share a love for dogs, cats, and more.

Dollar Street, a soon-to-launch project from Gapminder that gathers photos of pets and other household items at various income levels in almost every country, aims to make economic differences more relatable. One takeaway is how much we have in common.

"It's striking to see how similar our lives are," Gapminder co-founder Anna Rosling Rönnlund said. "It makes the world less scary to see that most people struggle with everyday business most of the time and they are not so exotic and it's not so scary."

We've previously published a gallery of toys at every income level. Keep scrolling to see what pets look like from the poorest to the richest homes.