Here's how skin products banish zits




Active ingredients in Proactiv's 3-Step System: 2.5% benzoyl peroxide in both steps one and two, 0.5% salicylic acid in step three

You've probably learned to recognize some of the incredibly long chemical names on your face washes, scrubs, and cleansers.


But do you know how they actually work?

Here's a breakdown of the science behind some of the most common active ingredients on over-the-counter acne treatments, and how they get rid of your blemishes.

Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is an antibacterial that's usually at a concentration of 2% to 10% in over-the-counter acne products.

It kills the bacteria that cause acne, one of which is fittingly named Propionibacterium acnes. Scientific studies have actually found that a 2.5% concentration has the same effects as 5% and 10% concentrations - so there's no reason to go higher, especially since it can irritate the skin if overused.


It can also remove dead skin cells and excess oil, according to the Mayo Clinic.

clean & clear acne treatment

Clean & Clear

Active ingredient: 2% Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid

This is a type of beta-hydroxy, a group of carbon-based compounds that have been used in cosmetics for decades. Salicylic acid breaks the proteins that bind skin cells together, effectively exfoliating the skin by making it possible to slough off dead skin cells (that's also why your skin may peel if you use too much). Salicylic acid comes in concentrations from 0.05% to 5% in over-the-counter products.

It can also keep pores from getting clogged, according to the Mayo Clinic. By removing the top layer of skin, it can give the face a smoother texture, making pores appear smaller.

Willow extract, often listed on acne products marketed as "natural," is a source of salicylic acid.

burts bees face wash

Burt's Bees

Active ingredients: 1% Salicylic acid, willow bark extract

Glycolic acid

Scientists aren't exactly sure how this type of alpha-hydroxy acid (a chemical cousin to beta-hydroxys) works. But they have observed that glycolic acid thins the most outer layer of skin, and promotes growth of the skin layers below it.


Glycolic acid doesn't actually kill the bacteria that cause zits, though it can help with the marks they leave behind. Its exfoliating properties can make the skin look smoother, according to the Mayo Clinic, and help fade acne scars.

Lactic acid

Also an alpha-hydroxy, lactic acid works just like glycolic acid does. It smooths the skin by exfoliating the outer layer and can help fade acne scars.


Often combined with other active ingredients, sulfur is an antimicrobial that can kill acne-causing bacteria and remove the most outer layer of skin, making it appear smoother.

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