Now Here's A Poll That Shows Obama Might Not Be Doing That Badly


Barack Obama

REUTERS/Larry Downing

While the Quinnipiac poll released this afternoon showed dismal numbers for the president, a Pew/USA Today one show him in much better shape.


His approval rating is back up to 45 percent with 49 percent disapproving. These are close to the numbers Obama had before the federal exchange website's horrible launch. The favorability of the health reform law is similar to what it was in September, with 41 percent approving of it and 54 percent disapproving.

Nevertheless, half of the country still has confidence in the president to do what is right on health care policy. Only 32 percent of Americans feel that way about Republicans. Of the people who disapprove of the law, more than half want lawmakers to make it work, while just over a third want them to make it fail. This is yet another sign that Obamacare could prove to be a liability for the GOP in next year's midterm elections.