The 20 Best Cities For Trick-Or-Treating This Year


Zillow is out with its annual ranking of the best cities for trick-or-treaters, and San Francisco once again took the top spot.


The real estate search site determines its ranking by looking at four variables: home values, population density, walkability, and crime data. Zillow says these factors give a good indication of places that provide the most candy in the shortest amount of time, with the fewest safety risks.

Here are the 20 best cities for Halloween treats, according to Zillow:

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Zillow also breaks down top trick-or-treat spots by neighborhood. San Francisco's ritzy Noe Valley is again the best place to gather Halloween candy, according to the site.


Zillow assumed higher home values would translate into wealthier owners buying the good candy - we're talking king-sized chocolate bars - to give out on Halloween.

"San Francisco has some of the highest home values and incomes in the country," Amy Bohutinsky, chief marketing officer for Zillow, told Business Insider last year. "Plus, it's a dense urban area. You can hit lots of single family homes side by side. It's the perfect storm of all our factors."

Below are the top neighborhoods for trick-or-treating in the top 20 cities.

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Paige Cooperstein contributed to this post.
