This Ad Agency Has A Live Web Cam Of The Falcons Nesting On Its Roof


campbell ewald falcons

Campbell Ewald

A pair of Peregrine Falcons nesting on the roof of Detroit ad agency Campbell Ewald and have produced three eggs. The agency has set up a live webcam to record and stream live footage of the eggs' imminent hatching. And so far there are 156 people watching.


A meme generator, informational Tumblr page, and birth date poll have also been created to provide more information about the auspicious event.

A Campbell Ewald employee installed the nest in 2006, and has been waiting patiently since then for a pair of frisky fowl to take the bait. This year he hit the jackpot.

Campbell Ewald's client roster includes the EPA, the US Navy, AT&T and GM. The agency's site describes itself as a breeding ground for "exhilarating" ideas.

You can watch the live web stream of the birth here.
