This store charges women 24% less than men for a reason




Women's pay is not exactly level with men's

LessThan100 is a pop-up shop. It sells "ceramics, textiles, publications, art prints, stationery, and other exceptional goods created by women artists and makers from across the US."


And women pay less than men.

The shop is currently popped up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and will next travel to New Orleans, Louisiana. Currently, those identifying as women are charged only 76% of what men are charged.

The project's website states:

Our inaugural project, 76<100, focuses on the wage gap in Pennsylvania, where women earn just 76% of what men earn. Mirroring this inequality, male shoppers at this location will be charged 100% of the retail price of any item, while those who identify as women will be charged 76% of this price. Events held throughout the month will connect, empower, and promote local women and girls.


The project is a not-for-profit and the website is

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