You can tell personality of a man by the beer he drinks

You can tell personality of a man by the beer he drinks

If you are in your early twenties and you don’t like beer, that’s blasphemy! There’s a reason why I say so. If you are fresh out of college or in your first job, there is always a scarce of pocket money. And beer doesn’t hurt your pocket too much. We all have a favourite brand of this drink. You enter your favourite place on Friday night among high decibel music being played and order ‘regular’. It may be a Budweiser, Bira, Kingfisher or Mahou.

There are different types of beers that suit different personalities of men. From amber ales to hearty stouts, there is one to suit one’s personality. The choice of a man for a particular beer reflects a lot about his personality and this can be elaborated keeping in mind the ingredients that go in to make each of these different type of beers.
Here are the personality types enclosed for your easy reference