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21 Gorgeous Photos That Show Why Iran Is A New Tourist Hotspot

Apr 4, 2014, 23:30 IST


Iran is becoming a tourist hotspot this year, with tour operators reporting significant increases in tourists booking trips to the Middle Eastern country.


Perhaps that's because of a slight thaw in its relationships with the West - or simply because of the allure of exploring a little-known tourist destination with few other tourists.

Americans are allowed to visit Iran - in fact, Iran is actively encouraging visits from American tourists - but Americans who do visit must travel with an official tour guide and get their itinerary approved by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in order to get a visa. Travel within Iran is considered safe if you tour responsibly, but the U.S. Department of State has issued a travel warning to Iran.

From ancient cities with breathtaking mosques to gorgeous natural landscapes, here are some of Iran's most beautiful, and untouched, tourist attractions.

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