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24 movies that made outrageous amounts of money but were totally despised by critics

Mar 15, 2018, 18:19 IST

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Some of the highest-earning movies of all time at the box office are also the most hated by critics.

While "Black Panther" has earned its spot among the biggest moneymakers of all time in just a short month (the film hit $1 billion globally and has a 97% on reviews aggregator Rotten Tomatoes), other films don't have the critical acclaim to match their box office receipts.

To find which movies made boatloads of money but were despised by critics, Business Insider looked at the top 100 highest-grossing movies worldwide of all time, based on unadjusted information from boxofficemojo.com, and compared that with their Rotten Tomatoes scores. We ranked the movies that received "rotten scores," below 60%, from highest to lowest score (the one tie was broken using the RT audience score).

Every movie that made the list is either a franchise sequel or based on pre-existing material. If studios are losing faith in the domestic box office, it might be because American audiences are losing faith in franchises such as "Transformers" and "Pirates of the Caribbean," which are still performing well in foreign markets.


Below are 24 of the top-grossing movies of all time that critics despised:

24. "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" (2014)

Critic Score: 59%

Original domestic gross: $255,119,788

Adjusted gross: $268,326,452

Original worldwide gross: $956,019,788

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,005,509,610

"It's adequately visionary, it's routinely spectacular, it breathes fire and yet somehow feels room-temperature." — Kyle Smith, New York Post

23. "Shrek Forever After" (2010)

Critic Score: 58%

Original domestic gross: $238,736,787

Adjusted gross: $272,605,712

Original worldwide gross: $752,600,867

Adjusted worldwide gross: $859,370,264

"By the middle of the second act, Forever After finally finds its groove, becoming mildly amusing (the actors -- Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas -- are in fine form) but never rising to the inspired heights of the original." — Ernest Hardy, L.A. Weekly

22. "Transformers" (2007)

Critic Score: 57%

Original domestic gross: $319,246,193

Adjusted gross: $383,373,502

Original worldwide gross: $709,709,780

Adjusted worldwide gross: $852,269,910

"Transformers delivers on its promise of stunning visuals and well-crafted action sequences, but it's not remotely worth the slog it takes to get there. Once the novelty of the robots wears off it's hopelessly insipid." — Joshua Starnes, ComingSoon.net

21. "Minions" (2015)

Critic Score: 56%

Original domestic gross: $336,045,770

Adjusted gross: $353,022,662

Original worldwide gross: $1,159,398,397

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,217,970,720

"It's not whether this prequel can mint money; that's a given. The questions is: Can the minions carry a movie all by their mischievous mini-selves? 'Fraid not." — Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

20. "Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace" (1999)

Critic Score: 55%

Original domestic gross: $474,544,677

Adjusted gross: $709,227,813

Original worldwide gross: $1,027,467,110

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,535,594,616

"What I can't comprehend is why the political details had to be so tedious and abstract. Will the kids of our nation and the world truly be titillated by trade wars and the spectacle of a do-nothing Senate?" — Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal

19. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" (2006)

Critic Score: 54%

Original domestic gross: $423,315,812

Adjusted gross: $522,826,524

Original worldwide gross: $1,066,179,725

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,316,811,289

"This second film is pretty much all thrills, special effects and nonstop action -- but with virtually no cohesive or compelling story line." — Bill Zwecker, Chicago Sun-Times

18. "Alice in Wonderland" (2010)

Score: 52%

Original domestic gross: $334,191,110

Adjusted gross: $381,601,875

Original worldwide gross: $1,025,467,110

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,170,947,285

"Its single biggest failing -- an affront to Lewis Carroll and the charms of nonsense literature -- is the fact that it makes sense." — Amy Biancolli, Houston Chronicle

17. "Maleficent" (2014)

Critic Score: 51%

Original domestic gross: $241,410,378

Adjusted gross: $253,907,354

Original worldwide gross: $758,539,785

Adjusted worldwide gross: $797,806,753

"At least Disney was smart enough to cast Jolie. She has a genuinely heroic presence. If only the movie were equal to it." — Peter Rainer, Christian Science Monitor

16. "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2" (2012)

Critic Score: 49%

Original domestic gross: $292,324,737

Adjusted gross: $317,021,475

Original worldwide gross: $829,746,820

Adjusted worldwide gross: $899,847,079

"The 'Twilight Saga' has no upmarket aspirations. Seeking neither critical applause or peer-review awards, these movies, like those of Tyler Perry, seek only to provide unabashed satisfaction to those who believe in their characters." — Glenn Kenny, MSN Movies

15. "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" (2009)

Critic Score: 46%

Original domestic gross: $196,573,705

Adjusted gross: $228,142,853

Original worldwide gross: $886,686,817

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,029,086,065

"Rather than evolving, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs treads on familiar and infertile ground." — Claudia Puig, USA Today

14. "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" (2007)

Critic Score: 45%

Original domestic gross: $309,420,425

Adjusted gross: $371,574,022

Original worldwide gross: $963,420,425

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,156,943,672

"The plot is not only hard to follow, there seems to be nothing real at stake. Half the characters are already dead, and half the movie seems to involve swordfights with dead people who can't be killed with swords." — David Ansen, Newsweek

13."Shrek the Third" (2007)

Score: 41%

Original domestic gross: $322,719,944

Adjusted gross: $387,545,029

Original worldwide gross: $798,958,162

Adjusted worldwide gross: $959,445,706

"Apart from some modestly amusing princess shtick and a pleasantly slapsticky opening, there's no real reason for anyone over the age of 11 to see this one." — Bob Mondello, NPR

12. "2012" (2009)

Critic Score: 40%

Original domestic gross: $166,112,167

Adjusted gross: $192,789,283

Original worldwide gross: $769,679,473

Adjusted worldwide gross: $893,287,692

"2012 is so long, and its special effects are at once so outrageous and so thunderously predictable, that by the time I lurched from the theatre I felt that three years had actually passed and that the apocalypse was due any second." — Anthony Lane, New Yorker

11. "Ice Age: Continental Drift" (2012)

Score: 38%

Original domestic gross: $161,321,843

Adjusted gross: $174,950,943

Original worldwide gross: $877,244,782

Adjusted worldwide gross: $951,357,855

"In the end, this latest "Ice Age" movie is about as surprising and unpredictable as a glacier. And not much more fun." — Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger

10. "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" (2011)

Score: 35%

Original domestic gross: $352,390,543

Adjusted gross: $390,070,524

Original worldwide gross: $1,123,794,079

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,243,957,746

"Despite its manifest improvements, there is something so sour and unpleasant about the new film that it left me almost nostalgic for the innocent idiocies of its predecessor." — Christopher Orr, The Atlantic

9. "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" (2011)

Critic Score: 32%

Original domestic gross: $241,071,802

Adjusted gross: $266,848,830

Original worldwide gross: $1,045,713,802

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,157,528,597

"It's never quite clear what the relationship between Jack and Angelica is. Sometimes it's love, sometimes it's hate; it probably depended on who was writing the script that day." — Tom Long, Detroit News

8. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" (2017)

Critic Score: 30%

Original domestic gross: $172,558,876

Adjusted gross: $175,283,971

Original worldwide gross: $794,861,794

Adjusted worldwide gross: $807,414,462

"Is this really only the fifth entry in the Pirates film franchise? It feels like the 50th. Except for Javier Bardem, who brings a dollop of fresh mischief to this paycheck party, Dead Men has all the flavor of rotting leftovers." — Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

7. "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" (2009)

Critic Score: 28%

Original domestic gross: $296,623,634

Adjusted gross: $344,260,501

Original worldwide gross: $709,711,008

Adjusted worldwide gross: $823,688,471

"If only director Chris Weitz had managed to tease out the real drama -- Bella's fear of aging -- instead of a tired one." — Louisa Thomas, Newsweek

6. "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (2016)

Critic Score: 27%

Original domestic gross: $330,360,194

Adjusted gross: $342,726,316

Original worldwide gross: $873,634,919

Adjusted worldwide gross: $906,337,032

"When in doubt, [Snyder] simply slings another ingredient into the mix, be it an irradiated monster, an explosion on government premises, or the sharp smack of masonry on skull." — Anthony Lane, New Yorker

5. "Suicide Squad" (2016)

Critic Score: 26%

Original domestic gross: $325,100,054

Adjusted gross: $337,269,277

Original worldwide gross: $746,846,894

Adjusted worldwide gross: $774,803,047

"The closest Suicide Squad comes to the masterworks of Christopher Nolan is that, like Memento, it suffers from instant amnesia." — Amy Nicholson, MTV

4. "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1" (2011)

Critic Score: 25%

Audience score: 60%

Original domestic gross: $281,287,133

Adjusted gross: $311,364,256

Original worldwide gross: $712,205,856

Adjusted worldwide gross: $788,359,725

"By any normal standard, this is a terrible movie, with stilted dialogue and leaden pacing -- every 15 minutes or so, the action stops for a musical montage involving slow-motion handsomeness. But the Twilight saga stopped being normal a long time ago." — Dana Stevens, Slate

3. "The Da Vinci Code" (2006)

Critic Score: 25%

Audience score: 57%

Original domestic gross: $217,536,138

Adjusted gross: $268,673,316

Original worldwide gross: $758,539,851

Adjusted worldwide gross: $936,853,154

"Completing the trail of cryptic clues simply becomes an end in and of itself -- think Sudoku: The Movie -- with little in the way of whimsy, star chemistry or excitement to enliven the dour plod." — Trevor Johnston, Time Out

2. "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" (2009)

Critic Score: 19%

Original domestic gross: $402,111,870

Adjusted gross: $466,689,832

Original worldwide gross: $836,303,693

Adjusted worldwide gross: $970,611,562

"The movie is like the play date from hell, the kind where a crew of children reduce your home to rubble and conduct endless bouts of loud war on the living-room floor while you ponder the propriety of opening a bottle of wine." — Mary F. Pols, Time

1. "Transformers: Age of Extinction" (2014)

Critic Score: 18%

Original domestic gross: $245,439,076

Adjusted gross: $258,144,604

Original worldwide gross: $1,104,054,072

Adjusted worldwide gross: $1,161,207,114

"Since the film is a chilling two hours and 45 minutes long, that means one's mind quickly wanders, dancing across this film's many flaws, little and big." — David Sims, The Atlantic

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