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27,000 people showed up for Bernie Sanders' big New York City rally - here's a look at what happened

Apr 14, 2016, 22:17 IST

Courtney Verrill

Thousands of people gathered Washington Square Park for a momentous rally held by the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.


The rally was one of the Vermont senator's largest to date, drawing a crowd of 27,000 people, according to the campaign.

It came ahead of next Tuesday's primary in New York, a state that has turned into one of outsize importance for Sanders in his primary challenge to frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Celebrities such as Spike Lee, Rosario Dawson, Linda Sarsour, Shailene Woodley, Tim Robbins, and Vampire Weekend were also a part of the rally, performing and speaking before Sanders made his own speech.

We went to the rally to see the large crowds and to talk with some Sanders supporters. The atmosphere was certainly filled with excitement. Below, see images from the crowd that took over Washington Square Park and the blocks surrounding it.


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