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7 ways to look like a millionaire, even if you're not

Jul 11, 2016, 19:33 IST

Regardless of how much you make, it's easy to project an air of power and confidence commonly associated with the wealthy - as long as you focus on the right things. Sylvie di Giusto worked in human resources for more than 20 years before becoming an image consultant in 2009.


Her company, Executive Image Consulting, has worked with executives looking to improve how they present themselves and professionals looking to rise in the corporate hierarchy. She also gives dress-code consulting to corporations, which have included McKinsey, BMW, and Thomas Cook, according to her website.

With inspiration from Vicky Oliver's book, "The Millionaire's Handbook: How to Look and Act Like a Millionaire, Even If You're Not," we asked Di Giusto how anyone could look like a millionaire, regardless of their net worth.

Here's what she said, with some of Oliver's advice:

Mike Nudelman/Business Insider


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