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A 10-year-old designer who started a clothing line after being bullied is gaining traction in the fashion world

Feb 23, 2016, 01:06 IST

A fifth grader's designs are breaking ground.


Chubiiline is a clothing line created by ten-year-old Queens, New York resident Egypt "Ify" Ufele. She was recently featured on The Today Show.

"I am a 10 year old designer taking the fashion industry by storm.  I consider myself nothing less than a chronicler of the human condition, for better or worse," she writes on her website. "When you see my designs, I think you'll agree."

But the line is about more than just clothes; Ufele has a real mission. She launched the line as a response to bullying.

"I was bullied and they called me all kinds of names. One time I got stabbed by a pencil," she said to Today.

She told Today that she responded to her bullies by designing apparel.

"I wanted to relieve my pain [from] bullying," she said to Refinery29, adding that "Chubiiline was designed to empower everyone that [has been] bullied."

Further, she told Refinery 29 that clothes are for all sizes and genders, furthering the anti-bullying message that she aims to send.

 According to Chubiiline's website,  the company intends to "bring Africa to America; one design at a time."According to Refinery 29, Ufele debuted her line at the Unique Blend Models Fashion Week. Refinery29 notes the company recently had another show at Small Boutique Fashion Week.And Ufele is gaining traction. She appeared on the cover of Queen Size Magazine recently.

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