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A caddie for a top player was kicked out of the Women's US Open after getting caught red-handed taking photos of secret course notes

Jul 10, 2015, 18:18 IST

A veteran caddie for one of the top players in the world was banned from the U.S. Women's Open this week after he was caught taking photos of course setup notes and hole locations, according to Ryan Ballengee of Yahoo! Sports.


Paul Fusco, who is the caddie for No. 10 ranked Sei Young Kim, was caught red-handed by a USGA official inside the rules trailer. He was later confronted on the driving range and escorted off the premises in front of other players, caddies, and fans, according to the report.

"Quite simply, as you all know, golf is a game of honor and integrity," USGA official Diana Murphy told the media Wednesday. "Unfortunately we found a caddie who was attempting to get some information that would benefit his player and not the whole field. And there was just no question in our mind that we needed to prevent that from happening to protect the total field this week. So it was a terribly poor judgment on his part."

Murphy later explained that there was no doubt what Fusco was up to in conveying the situation to Kim.

"We certainly took the time to explain it to the player and to make sure she understood why this was a violation of our policy," Murphy noted. "The caddie wasn't allowed in the rules trailer to begin with, certainly not allowed to take pictures of the information that he was taking pictures of, for he and his player's benefit."


The 22-year-old Kim finished second at the Women's PGA Championship earlier this year with Fusco as her caddie. Fusco has previously served as a caddie on the PGA for players such as Billy Mayfair, Paul Casey, and K.J. Choi.

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