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A Father Learned His Missing Son Was Found During The Middle Of An Incredible Live TV Interview

Jun 26, 2014, 18:56 IST


Charlie Bothuell found his 12-year-old son, who had been missing since June 14, on Nancy Grace's HLN TV show Wednesday night.


Bothuell was on the program discussing the search for his son, who is also named Charlie, when Grace told him she was "getting reports that your son has been found alive in your basement." Grace handled the situation with her trademark sensitivity.

"How could your son be alive in your basement?" she asked.

"I have no idea," said Bothuell, who appeared to be having trouble breathing. "I checked my basement, the FBI checked my basement, Detroit police checked my basement, my wife checked my basement. I've been down there several times. We've all been checking. How?"

Bothuell, who seemed nearly overcome with emotion claimed law enforcement and his family "searched the entire house repeatedly.


"They brought dogs - everything. Everybody has searched," Bothuell said. "Oh god, my son."

"Have you checked your cell phone?" Grace asked.

Bothuell explained how he had not received a call about the discovery of his son prior to going on air.

"My cell phone is dead," he said. "Getting down here I left it in the car charging because it had died on me."

Grace told Bothuell she would halt the interview to give him "a chance to call home and see what you can find out." As Grace spoke to a local reporter who confirmed Bothuell's son had been found, footage played in the background showing his father being handed a phone and waving his arms in the air excitedly.


Watch the dramatic interview below.

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