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A furniture designer created the ultimate chair after having life-changing back surgery

Jun 13, 2016, 21:23 IST

Designer Thomas Stroman sitting in the chotto, displayed at the International Contemporary Furniture FairDavid Fang/INSIDER

After having back surgery, Tomas Stroman had a physical therapy session that took place in a pool. The point was for him to float in a way that wouldn't put pressure on any part of his body. To do that, the physical therapist strategically placed two pool noodles underneath him, causing Stroman to comfortably float on his back, in complete balance.


Being a furniture designer, Stroman wanted to achieve this comfort outside of the pool, and spent months creating the perfect chair. For it to achieve the same kind of comfort, it would have to distribute the occupant's weight perfectly, and dynamically adapt to their shape and form.

He came up with the Chotto, which, despite looking a little odd, is remarkably comfortable.

The chotto, a work of furniture by Thomas Stroman, on display at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair.David Fang/INSIDER

"It's the position your body will default to if there's no gravity," Stroman said. "Physiologically, it's about as comfortable you can be."

The Chotto has several layers; one is similar to a yoga ball and disperses weight, while another consists of a soft foam layer, adding comfort.

It includes a tray table that can flip down from overhead, making it possible to comfortably eat, read, or use a laptop, while a footrest provides extra support.


See it in action below:

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